We made it up to Allen for 4 days to see my family. We saw them on Thanksgiving, but prior to that we hadn't all been together since July when we were in Michigan. It was just my parents, RG, and me; Carly's family couldn't make it to Allen because of work. We had a nice time with my parents, who are getting funnier as they age. My dad made steak (twice!) and we sipped on some Three Dudes wine (from the winery where our reception will be held). We saw a lot of my friends while we were in town, but had a lot of down time at home to just chill. Really glad we got to be home for those days with my parents.
We left Allen on Christmas morning and headed back to Schertz. Ryan's sweet grandparents are in town from Florida for a month and his brother & sister-in-law, Stephen & Lauren, came over for a nice family evening. We had turkey and rolls and some other stuff.... the turkey & rolls are all that matter to me! We played some games afterwards and had a nice time. Once we'd unpacked and sat down for what felt like ten minutes (really 2 days), we departed Schertz for Athens and had one last Christmas celebration with Ryan's other grandparents - Mimi & Papa. I can't believe how much time we spent in the car over 5 or 6 days. Lots of Christmas music, googling "questions to ask your significant other" to pass the time, and a few times I had to pull over and nap at rest stops so I wouldn't be a drowsy driver (Ryan's neck is bothering him so not much driving for him lately). It was a busy week, but it was nice to celebrate with so many people.
Ryan's family in Schertz |
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